Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Y 8:51 PM super addicted to full house now..can't get enough of michelle!! She is soo cute!! This is e cutest episode seriously..well one of e cutest! "Play the doo-ah-dee dee song!!! cute!! Anw, went for e RA interview today..totally screwed it. They were like, "name one event that has affected u" then i said me :the earthquake in... examiner : *stares* me(thinking) : Shit..what wanted to say katrina but i realised that was a hurricane..then i was like me : um... the earth quake in Thailand? happened few years ago..*laughs sheepishly* Great, now e examiner thinks im a total LOSER. Well was supposed to go ice skating today with choir batch. RAWR, piano lesson was postponed so couldnt go. Anyway, can't wait for netball carn and drama night even though we never got in... <3 203 Waiting for saawariya Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Y 10:17 PM Ahhh!!! Today was soooooo fun. Okay, anw, starting off, today we had MT enrichment, yea so e Chinese students had some "stuff" like courses. Haha, wushu..Okay anw, so we nice 203 indians came to school and we knew or at least we thought dat we would have e whole day free to do fun things..Well it was like dat until 8.30. Yupp, then Lord Chandra, saw manee haha then he was like "sort of" angry like why we never come for his "enrichment". Yes, then we went for is so called enrichment and he began his talk about CULTURE..for e GAZIILIONTH time this term and bored us to death. Most of us were doing e Rubik cube anw..then he put this black and white really old movie..haha, and we made fun of their exaggerated and DRAMA acting. Not e main point of watching e thing is it? Anw, then he ran off for some errands, and he gave us permission to watch a movie. Which took CENTURIES to load, and it didnt fully load in e end. Then we sort of dismissed but this isnt e fun part of e day yet!! Yea, then i went to find Ms Lim for e teacher's recommendation thing after school. Wasnt there...-.-Yea then i was quite worried dat would not be able to hand in. Angie was supposed to collect from her too and she went home so i was pissed at first!! Rawr but i was wrong u see. Angie was responsible..and she had seen Ms lim and yea she said she will hand in herself. I'm soooo sorry Angie dat i was mean..haha never doubt u again!!! After this, woo hoo!! E fun part starts!!! Anu, Vithya and Nageish wanted to go gym, so we decided to tag along, me, Sarah, Brintha and Priya..yea, then we were watching them work out cuz we couldnt use equip in our pinafore..and we were "very good girls" cuz the CC cameras were staring at us. Haha, we were cha-cha-ing and doing the rainbow thing as a group(where we stand in a line and like do a wavey thingwith our hands) and what not..yea and we were seeing who could jump e highest. Brintha jumps like a frog!! Cuz of ballet..haha..we turned on e volume of e radio so loud, my eardrums were practically bursting, kidding. Anw, yea after awhile we decided to sit there in e nice aircon room and play truth or dare instead about wat we like bout 203..OMG im really gonna miss 203!! O yea, then we were kicked out of e gym, so we played netball for a long time.. and we talked alot which was like e most fun part! And we are soo gonna win netball carn at this rate where no one practises. Anw, we made nice actions for one cheer today and it was so nice..haha. Goes something like.. Yo...203 wassup?! We'll show you what we've got We'll win you there's no doubt something something something...(then we all scream)OW! Well later Jia yi came with her junior, and we had a "musically inclined" versus the "musically declined" netball game as they called it..haha where me and Anu were on-field spectators and I was promoted to player of "musically inclined"(Partly cuz e musically inclined team was like 3/4 e height of e musically declined haha.) Im kidding.. Ha..was so fun. Many more fun things happened but im too lazy to blog about it. Wanna watch Saawariya Monday, October 29, 2007 Y 9:16 PM This is a temporary blogskin...2nd post of e day! This is the promo. Nice Song!! The rest I posted for fun.. ![]() ![]() Y 5:54 PM I so feel like changing my blogskin seriously. Anw, I just felt like clearing some of my feelings about random stuff like why some people react in a certain way dat they do. IF U ARE LOOKING FOR COHERENT OR LOGICAL POSTS TO READ, GO AWAY. Its so annoying, ya' noe wen u say something and dat person just gives u a stoned face back. I just feel like ugh, "wat is wrong with u???" im sure we have all experienced this a lot of times, but it's after exams ppl...cmon ENJOY. Just laugh even if u think dat wat e other peron said is e silliest thing on earth. PLUS, rolling your eyes is one thing. but rolling your eyes every few seconds is like...whatt??? I mean like, some people roll their eyes so much until u might as well stick their eyes up there. Okay im sounding very incoherent right now. I shall stop. Ha. Okay, went out to eat lunch with Anu, Angie, Vithya and Nageish. Ate in long Johns for the 3rd time this wk. I made a vow im not eating fast food anymore for e whole hols. Im serious, and stop laughing if ur reading this. Wanna go gym on thurs but got drama nite. SIGH. As I was saying, yupp, after we ate, and after Anu and Vithya saw a couple of their "friends" and Anu totally almost embarrassing us by dingging e long johns bell, we decided to go home. O yes, Anu didnt finish her fries and she started this donation scheme giving her fries to Vithya...Silly Anu. Anw, then i decided to be a guai girl and go home by bus. But those naughty children (namely Anu) was like, "I'll not talk to u ever again "..nonsense, i dont noe WHY i went by MRT..not like im DYING to talk to u Anu..okay..haha. So funny. Then we were on e escalator and Anu pointed at sheik haikel the DJ (if u noe who he is) and was like "who is this?" (not that she didnt noe but it was one of her random qns) and i was totally like... "Fandi Ahmad !" -.- I was just in the mood to be totally lame. And then, Anu pointed at this random guy model and she was like thats goin to be my boyfriend or husband, sth like dat..then she pointed at another one and was like, "that's Varsha's" ...haha and guess wat...both were the same guy!!! and Anu was like..nvm, we'll fight. Okay..anw it shows that u can have fun on a MRT underpass..not that u didnt noe already. okay watever. I need inspiration for a new blogskin ppl help me out..or u'll forever be tempted by this lemonade dat looks so delicious...Doesnt's it, dont u just wanna drink it? So want to see Saawariya. haha...Well he's not e best looking but he's cute, as in e way he acts??? Okay..must watch on NOV 9th! Okay thats all for my random rambling...
Sunday, October 28, 2007 Y 5:16 PM It's been a very very very long time since i last posted and i shall update since SOME people asked me to. Well, okay a lot of things have happened since i last posted. Like EYAs are like way over and got back results too. Was quite disappointed with Hist and Tamil. Anw, yea, at least their over and can enjoy now. Havnt seen a movie in a long time. Damn it, wanted to watch Nanny diaries but didnt. O yea, tried out for HSSRP and really hope dat we get accepted. On the 1st day of post EYA activities our class had dining etiquette. It was super cool and me and renci skipped lunch cuz we thought wat for eat wen we were going to eat later. But they like gave us lunch really late and we are like starving our butts off. Yea anw after dat, wen we FINALLY got to eat, it was quite cool cuz we got like a whole meal but was quite hard to eat with those ppl breathing down our necks. I tell u, should have been a vegetarian esp since Sups got spagetti and mango pudding and all we got was fatty chicken that was totally red. O well, anw, the last part was damn funny cuz the guy decided to give us a quiz and the last question was really lame. Guy: Why is the giraffe's neck so long? Haha. Sarah gave a silly and cuckoo answer. She was like "cuz the giraffe's blood is hot so the neck expanded" or sth like that. haha. Anw, there were other very funny answers but im too lazy to rmbr them right now. O yes. another super important thing. DRAMA NIGHT!!! Im very sad our class didnt get in. Renci, dont kill me. We totally deserved it. seriously. Man, we put in so much effort in e props itself. Our backdrop was super cool, like WOW. Anw, we didnt get in but i feel it was a great experience for our class. We totally bonded wen staying back to finish up e props and stuff. Playing netball, talking crapping. it was LOADS of fun. Haha and im sorry about drawing the oversized coconut onto e backdrop. But i thought it was rather proportionate. O well, thanks renci for patching it up. Funny thing. Back to our performance. Too bad we couldnt finish it cuz like all e good parts were at e end. O well. Well done everyone though! Renci: I think e coconut is sort of patched up now. (Everyone stared at me and i give e guilty laugh) Haha. This is what happens wen u dont blog regularly, got so many things to say and cant squeeze it all in one post. Im really gonna miss 203'07. Seriously. Man i think we really bonded as a class while playing double wacko, pass the parcel, murderer as a class. Im really gonna miss this class. Like wen we stayed back for drama night stuff, me, Jia Yi, Sarah and Angie decided to eat at Long Johns and we were like talking about what we wanted to be wen we grow up, who we admired etc etc. And im really glad dat i got a chance to talk to Sarah and Jia Yi...Angie i already know quite well..haha. she's one silly person but i guess talking to the other 2 allowed me to know them better. and I got to know a very nice thing about HUIYING that day too. EH CLAUDIA??? okay anw.. I love our song for ODT!!! Will talk more about our class in e next post if i get e time. |
colourful Hello. I'm varsha 040393 ex-rulangnite rafflesian 6R'05 103'06 203'07 305'08 405'09 choir hadlien ongoing ESCAPADES from rps- amelia cassandra chester danqiong fangying jin Fu lay Ching lin wen priscilla shan jee sharon shiqi stephenie yiling yimeng ying xiang yulin from rgs- aditi angela anu ashlynna bzzz ♥ charlene claudia cheowying emily grace huan ying huiqing hui ying ivalyn jiaying joy kang jie kathy + pris kelly kexin krystal leena miin peixin pristine priya D rachel renci ria ser gin shamaine shi hui siti tze gek vithya yan lin yiyang yun shu yuxi yvonne zhen ling 103 305 FTW fc from choir- amanda chanel chloe?! bianche catherine chanel chengyi emeline en ting fiona geetha giovanni grace kong grace tan jacqueline jodyn jovina kimberly may michelle tan michelle wang peiying priscilla yong reetaza samantha shiao yen shze hui sixuan sneha stacey stefanie suet ping weiling zong min PSLs '06 - chao ying cheryl debbie shihua xiao di into the past -June 2006 -July 2006 -August 2006 -January 2007 -February 2007 -August 2007 -October 2007 -November 2007 -December 2007 -January 2008 -March 2008 -May 2008 -June 2008 -July 2008 -August 2008 -October 2008 -December 2008 -January 2009 -February 2009 -March 2009 -September 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |